"Error: Invalid Access Credentials – Unable to access the email account. Please check your access credentials and account permissions." when configuring Native Docs with Microsoft Office 365 Emails
Version: PC R97.3
Article ID: PC000075
This article explains the solution when receiving error "Unable to access the email account. Please check your access credentials and account permissions" when configuring Native Docs to work with Microsoft Office 365 emails. To fully configure Native Documents with Office 365, please refer to the provided documentation within the PaperVision Capture Installation directory.
Important note: The authentication method required for Native Docs to interact with Microsoft Office 365 does not work with personal Microsoft accounts. This is typically easily identifiable by the email domain used. For example, @outlook.com and @hotmail.com emails are not compatible with this system.
Register Your Application with Azure Active Directory
- App Registration
- Navigate to https://portal.azure.com
- Once signed in, navigate to Azure Active Directory
- On the Overview screen, click 'Add' and then 'App Registration'
- Give your application a name, then ensure that 'Supported Account Types' is set to 'Single Tenent'. Leave Redirect URI blank and click 'Register'.
- On your Application's Overview page, note down the following as they will be required later:
- Application (client) ID
- Directory (tenant) ID
- Application Secret Configuration
- Using the left navbar, find and select 'Certificates and Secrets'
- On the Certificates and Secrets page, ensure the 'Client Secrets' panel is selected then click 'New client secret'
- In the new modal that pops open, fill out the description field and set an expiry date for your key. The maximum key duration is 730 days (24 months)
- Once the required information has been filled in, click 'Add' at the botom of the modal to create your key.
- Once the key is created, it will be displayed in the center of the page. It is important to note down the 'Value' field, as this data cannot be retrieved later. If this value is lost, you must redo this process.
- Application API Permissions
- Using the left navbar, find and select API Permissions
- Click 'Add a permission'
- In the new modal that opens, select 'Microsoft Graph' and then 'Application permissions'
- Find the following permissions and select them:
- Mail.ReadWrite
- User.Read.All
- Once both permissions have been selected, click 'Add permissions'
- If done correctly, these permissions should now be visible under Configured Permissions
- Locate the 'Grant admin consent for [company name]' button within Configured Permissions and click it. A dialog will ask for confirmation - click Yes.
- As long as all permissions have a green checkmark under Status, this process is now complete.
PaperVision Capture Configuration
- Using the PaperVision Capture Admin Console, find and open the job you wish to configure. If the job existed previously, you may need to check out the job before continuing.
- Find (or create) your Native Documents job step, then select it and navigate to Properties, Native Documents, click the "..." to configure.
- Click the plus icon to create a new Native Document Source
- In the Native Document Source Type window, give your source a name and then select Office 365 Email. Click Next.
- In the Configure Office 365 Access window, fill out the following information:
- Email - the email address in which you want to read emails from
- Tenant - the Directory (tenant) ID that was noted down previously
- Client ID - the Application (client) ID that was noted down previously
- Secret Value - the Secret Value that was noted down previously
- Once filled in, click Get Folders to retrieve the folder list within the specified email account. If done correctly, you should see all of your folders located within your Inbox.
- You may now continue through the Native Document Source wizard to comple the job step setup