Error 28000 IPC Pass Phrase incorrect
Version: R71
Article ID: PM000003

This error usually indicates that the Inter-Process Communications (IPC) Pass Phrase stored in the Harvester settings does not match what is set in the PaperVision/ImageSilo Security Policy. The following steps should resolve this issue:
- Log into the PaperVision Admin Console (or ImageSilo Web Administration) as an entity administrator.
- Go to General Security-> Configure Security Policy.
- On the General tab, the last box contains the Inter-Process Communications pass phrase. Set it to the desired value.
- Save the changes.
- Open PaperVision Message Manager Harvester.
- Go to File->Change PVE Options and set the IPC Pass Phrase to the same value used in step 3.
- Save the changes.
- Attempt to run the Harvester job again.