Error -7430: The Central Database appears to be marked as

Version: 7.84

Article ID: PF000084

Error -7430: The Central Database appears to be marked asmain image


This error is thrown when a user launches PaperFlow and before the login screen is displayed. PaperFlow is attempting to access the Central Database but the current Windows user does not have adequate permissions to access the DSICP32.MDB file.


When PaperFlow attempts to read from the Central Database, it uses the permissions of the user currently logged into Windows. If that user does not have full control access to the DSICP32.MDB file, this error will be returned.

Read-only permissions are not adequate because PaperFlow users may be making modifications that affect the Central Database including project settings. To resolve this issue, any Windows users that will be using PaperFlow must have full control access to C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems and C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\Common Files.