How To Change the SQL Server Listening TCP/IP Port

Version: 2005

Article ID: OT000002

How To Change the SQL Server Listening TCP/IP Portmain image


By default a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server does not specify a TCP/IP port to monitor for incoming connections. A TCP/IP port is one option available when connecting PaperVision Enterprise (PVE) to a Microsoft SQL Server database. This article outlines how to specify the Microsoft SQL Server listening port number using the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.


Use the steps below to configure a TCP/IP port to be used to monitor incoming connections.

  • Click Start→Programs→Microsoft SQL Server→Configuration Tools→SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  • From the tree view, expand “SQL Server Network Configuration”.
  • Select the Database Instance to be configured.
  1. Identify the name of the desired instance if more than one are present.
  2. NOTE: The standard name for a named instance in Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005 is SQLEXPRESS and the standard name for a default instance is MSSQLSERVER.
  • From the right hand side grid, double-click the TCP/IP.
  • From the TCP/IP Properties window, select the IP Addresses
  • From the IP All section, enter an unused port number in the TCP Port property then click OK.
  • Restart the Microsoft SQL Server service to apply the change just made. Highlight the tree view node that contains the text “SQL Server 2005 Services”, right-click the grid item SQL Server (<instance name>) and choose Restart from the context menu.