How to use the [CURRENTDATETIME] tag in WorkFlow Pre-Conditions

Version: R70

Article ID: PW000004

How to use the [CURRENTDATETIME] tag in WorkFlow Pre-Conditionsmain image


The [CURRENTDATETIME] tag can be used to set up WorkFlow pre-conditions where [CURRENTDATETIME] represents the current system time and also dates within Records Retention jobs.


When setting up Records Retention policies and WorkFlow definitions, it may be helpful to be able to reference the current system time to determine if documents should be selected.  The [CURRENTDATETIME] is the current system time of the automation server when it runs the specified operation.  This means the value is always changing.  Date ranges can also be used, for example:

[CURRENTDATETIME+1Y] = Current Date/Time plus 1 year


If you want to bring documents into a WorkFlow 90 days after a specified date index field, set up the WorkFlow pre-condition so the date fields From range is [CURRENTDATETIME-50Y] and the To range is [CURRENTDATETIME-90D].  This means that every time the WorkFlow checks for new documents it uses the time the operation runs for the CURRENTDATETIME value.  Any document where the date field falls in the range of the current system time minus 50 years to the current system time minus 90 days will be brought into the WorkFlow.  If a document is added with today’s date, it will not enter the WorkFlow.

Additional information on the [CURRENTDATETIME] tag can be found in Appendix E of the Administration and System Architecture Reference Guide.