Licenses are required to process this job step. Not all license(s) are available.

Version: PC: R85.5

Article ID: PC000077

<xxxx> Licenses are required to process this job step. Not all license(s) are available.main image


Licenses are required to process this job step. Not all license(s) are available.


When attempting to create a batch after assigning a named Capture license, the title error message appears.

This error is caused by the Windows machine name containing too many characters. Windows has a limit for machine names that is capped at 15 characters. Exceeding this limit will cause the machine name to be unreadable by our software.

To resolve this follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the Windows machine as an administrator.
  2. Change the local machine name you are using the PVC Operator Console on to something that contains less than 15 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Log into the PVC Admin Console as a Global Admin.
  4. Assign the license to the corrected, shorter machine name.