The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable when logging into PaperVision Tools

Version: R69

Article ID: PT000004

The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable when logging into PaperVision Toolsmain image


If a user receives this Error: 503 Server Unavailable when attempting to login to PaperVision Tools, it typically means that the Server URL entered is incorrect.


A user receives an Error: 503 Server Unavailable when attempting to login to PaperVision Tools. The correct format for the URL is http://servername. If Default.aspx or PVE.aspx is included in the URL it should be removed.

To change the Server URL follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on a file and choose Send To and then choose PaperVision Enterprise.
  2. If the Options window is not displayed and the Login window is, click Cancel and the Add Documents window will be displayed. From here, click the Options button.
  3. The Options window will now be displayed. Enter http://servername for the Server URL.
  4. Click the Save button, which will bring you back to the Add Documents window.
  5. Click the Login button and enter your user credentials to login.