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PaperVision® Enterprise Workflow

Make standard business operations easy to execute and easy to manage by electronically routing documents, alerting users of pending work assignments and tracking progress step by step using PaperVision Enterprise or ImageSilo.


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When a workflow is created using a pre-condition set for ‘criteria only’, but when documents are indexed, they don’t create new workflow instances as expected.

The number of items listed in the Worksteps Waiting in Queue directory in the left-pane navigation is higher than what is displayed in the workflow window when the user opens the workstep.

When attempting to create a new WorkFlow, or modifying an existing WorkFlow, the following error is displayed: “Error -2177417848: Automation Error: The object invoked has disconnected from its client”.

When trying to access a document in WorkFlow, this message is displayed: “To use this functionality you must select Use PaperVision Viewer as your Document Display Method.”

The [CURRENTDATETIME] tag can be used to set up WorkFlow pre-conditions where [CURRENTDATETIME] represents the current system time and also dates within Records Retention jobs.

When attempting to take ownership of a Workstep in WorkFlow you receive the following error: The server returned the following error information: Function LoadWSInst.PVDMSystem: Error -28000 Unable to locate project attributes for Project ID: ??

Error: 5 Description: Invalid procedure call or argument Source: EntSaveWorkFlowDef.EntSaveWorkstepDefs.PVDMSystem

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