knowledge Base

PaperVision® Enterprise

Control access and increase information security using a simple, searchable Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. Enable automation and tracking of business processes throughout the information lifecycle.


20 articles found
When trying to attach a document (Add New Document) through the PaperVision Enterprise client, and the file size is over 200 kb, the process seems to hang. Files less than 200 kb can be attached successfully.

When logging in to the PaperVision Enterprise web client, many of the windows, icons and text descriptions are very large, and some elements may not fit on the screen despite meeting the minimum screen resolution (1024x768). When checked on another workstation, everything looks normal.

The user option, “Display Calendar” is enabled. However, when adding a new document or altering index values on existing documents, the calendar will not display on a specific index field.

As of 6/14/2011 Microsoft released a critical update (KB2530548) for Internet Explorer 9 that addresses the issue stated below, and manually adding a registry key may no longer be required.

Also, PaperVision Enterprise version R75 no longer requires this registry change.

When a user attempts to use PaperVision Enterprise ActiveX controls, such as the document viewer, workflow viewer, and administrative controls, Internet Explorer 9 appears to lock up and can only be closed via Task Manager.

PVESearchURL is used to automatically log users into PaperVision Enterprise and perform a search using a custom URL. Before version R70, a user name and password pair or a valid session ID was needed to log in. Starting with version R70, users can now submit their request through the Authentication Gateway so that no authentication information is required.

When launching the PaperVision Distribution Assistant, a user may receive the following message: The dynamic link library Stamin32.DLL could not be found in the specified path.

A user attempts to add a document to a project in PaperVision Enterprise and receives the following error: Unable to create the SQL statement for selection criteria. (Source: AttachNewDocToProject.EntProcessNewDocsEx.EntCreateDocWFInstances.EntCreateDocWFInstances.PVDMSystem)

Users receive the following error when attempting to login to PaperVision Enterprise: Error: -2147217900 - Could not allocate space for object PVDM_SECTRACKGEN_1 in database PAPERVISIONDM because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. (Source: LoginUserEx2.LoginUser.

While viewing an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word document, the annotations button and menu option is disabled.

While upgrading to newer versions of PaperVision Enterprise, the Admin Console will be rolled up to most recent; however, the use of ‘Thick Clients’ may still be possible.

20 articles found