knowledge Base


Capture and control critical business information stored on paper right from your workstation with PaperFlow. Clear out your messy file rooms. Better protect information from theft and disaster. Save money on document management!


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This error is thrown when a user launches PaperFlow and before the login screen is displayed. PaperFlow is attempting to access the Central Database but the current Windows user does not have adequate permissions to access the DSICP32.MDB file.

You receive a message stating: Unable to locate dongle key when attempting to launch PaperFlow after attaching the PaperFlow USB or Parallel dongle key.

You receive a message stating: Error 4513: Invalid Access Rights when attempting to run a post process in PaperFlow

You receive a message stating: Error 429: you do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality when attempting to launch PaperFlow.

14 articles found