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PaperVision® Capture

PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture. Work with everything, implement any custom process you want and track any statistic you need.


31 articles found
The PaperVision Capture Setup Tool did not run, and the NT services did not get installed during the installation setup.

You receive an Application Exception error: “Failure to create batch directory: \\server_name\share\batch_name\” when attempting to submit a batch from the Operator Console.

In order to accommodate varying reporting needs, PaperVision Capture supports the export of Batch Statistics as XML data. The XML output can be imported into applications such as Microsoft Excel for data processing.This article outlines the minimum steps required to view PaperVision Capture statistics within Microsoft Excel 2007.

In the Job Properties for a particular job, it states that the License Requirements for the Indexing Step are Capture Scan and Capture Index. This is caused by the property Allow Document Manipulation being set to True in the Indexing step.

You need to obtain and install the version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework that is required by PaperVision Capture.

Often it is necessary to simulate a scanner to demonstrate or test functionality. This article demonstrates how to simulate a scanner using a directory of image files and the Digitech Systems Image Spewer.

This article outlines the minimum steps needed to configure a job that requires the name of the batch not be blank in the client.

When configuring the PaperVision Capture Gateway Server, the NETSTAT command can quickly determine if a port is already in use.

PaperVision Capture has both named licenses and concurrent licenses. Named licenses can be assigned to a specific workstation or automation service instance on the network.

You can configure the PaperVision Capture Setup Tool to control the number of simultaneous automation processes on a single workstation or server.

31 articles found