knowledge Base

PaperVision® Capture

PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture. Work with everything, implement any custom process you want and track any statistic you need.


76 articles found
The .NET DateTime format specifiers can be used in PaperVision Capture. Below is an example of how to specify a custom DateTime Format that includes milliseconds.

A user has submitted a batch using the PaperVision Capture Operator Console and then the user shuts down their machine before the batch can complete the transition to the master batch path. This issue can also happen if there is a sudden loss of power that causes the client machine to reboot while a batch is in transition.

When batches are not processing In the PaperVision Capture Admin console and there is a batch stuck in “Automated Processing” status. There are no event log errors in the Windows Event Viewer and there is a “SUBMIT BATCH” entry in the Maintenance Queue that is not being processed.

When attempting to connect to the SQL Server database using the PaperVision Capture Setup Tool for the first time and wanting to use SQL Server Authentication you receive the message: Unable to initiate PVE Database.

In some scenarios it may be helpful to increase the size of the buffer used to transfer files across the network. This can be accomplished by adjusting the DSI.DataTransferAgent.Service.exe.config found in the \Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture directory.

Because auto-create batch custom code (based on the “AutoCreateBatches” sample custom code scripts) adds one or more documents to batches, the automation server executing the custom code requires the same licenses specified in the License Requirements property of the Capture Scan step.

76 articles found