knowledge Base

PaperVision® Capture

PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture. Work with everything, implement any custom process you want and track any statistic you need.


80 articles found

This error can be generated by the Data Transfer Agent service when attempting to transmit batches to a PaperVision Capture Server that uses a different Windows Regional Setting than the machine transmitting the batch.

Example of error:

A common example of this issue appears when a client machine is using a Regional Setting of English (Canada) and the server is using English (United States). The root cause is the date/time format of English (United States) is MM/DD/YYYY and the English (Canada) date/time format is DD/MM/YYYY.

Application Event 100
Message:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

When using the demonstration license for PaperVision Capture, the text “PaperVision Capture Demonstration” is embedded on each document that is scanned or imported during a capture step. Is there a way to remove this text after implementing purchased licenses?

How to configure the IP address and port on which the PaperVision Capture Gateway server will receive connections.

In some scenarios anti-virus software (AVS) may inhibit the proper functioning of PaperVision Capture and SQL Server. The purpose of this article is to provide general guidance on excluding directories from AVS scanning in order to avoid potential conflicts.

It is possible to configure a PaperVision Capture job that contains multiple Start steps.

A user attempts to log in to PaperVision Capture using Windows Authentication, but they receive the following error: The System could not log you on. Make sure your User name and Entity ID are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case.

Does PaperVision Capture support Patch Code sheets offered by some scanner manufacturers?

The PaperVision Capture Setup Tool did not run, and the NT services did not get installed during the installation setup.

You receive an Application Exception error: “Failure to create batch directory: \\server_name\share\batch_name\” when attempting to submit a batch from the Operator Console.

In order to accommodate varying reporting needs, PaperVision Capture supports the export of Batch Statistics as XML data. The XML output can be imported into applications such as Microsoft Excel for data processing.This article outlines the minimum steps required to view PaperVision Capture statistics within Microsoft Excel 2007.

80 articles found